General Motors Diet

The fourth day of the GM diet weight loss program is filled with surprises. Unlike the past three days where you are only allowed to consume fruits and vegetables, Day 4 offers three unlikely meals: bananas, milk and soup. For our full coverage of the GM Diet plan so far, read day 1, day 2 and day 3 before you continue with this article.

Day 4 can be quite boring at first glance as these are the only meals allowed for consumption but remember that by now your body has already adjusted to the big change in diet and is slowly getting used to the new dietary content.

By Day 4 the body has already garnered sufficient amounts of sweets from fruits, and at the same time fiber from vegetables. Since it already has a sustained appetite, it would no longer be responsive to the taste of bananas. Persons who have reached Day 4 would rely more on liquids, and they get their energy from milk shakes and soup.

Preparing the Body for Day 4

Preparing for Day 4 is the easiest. Since the day offers only the said three meals, followers might just as well make themselves busy with various physical activities. They already have packed energy for the day, and they might just as well be productive by working out, or engaging in different leisure events.

Most people feel different by day 4. By this stage, a livelier attitude towards life is what most people feel. By Day 4 followers of the diet have already gone through natural detoxifying processes, and they are found to be more cheerful and enthusiastic when it comes to performing physical activities.

GM Diet Day 4 Breakfast

The best way to start Day 4 is by consuming a banana paired with a glass of warm milk (almond milk or a very lite coconut milk will be fine as well). Some followers prefer a bowl of sliced bananas on milk like those in breakfast cereals, only without the cereal content.

Skim milk should be used all day in this stage; full milk proves to be heavy on the stomach and filled with unnecessary nutrients that are not beneficial to the weight loss regimen.

GM Diet Day 4 Lunch

Lunch served in Day 4 consists of a bowl of vegetable soup. Most soup bowls consist of various vegetable produce flavored with herbs and spices. Best vegetable soups that can be served during lunch include tomato soup and cabbage stew, as they are packed with natural flavors that the taste buds would savor even as the day ends.

GM Diet Day 4 Dinner

Dinner in Day 4 may consist of a serving of vegetable soup and banana shake. This can be quite heavy to handle later at night, so followers may forego the shake and focus on the soup, as this alone can keep them full until the next morning.

GM Diet Day 4 Midday Snacks and Beverages

In Day 4, the only recommended snacks would be bananas and milk, which can be served in cold banana shakes. These snacks prove to be essential as they taste naturally delightful and at the same time are a popular drink even in conventional beverages.

Recipes for GM Diet Day 4

Cabbage Soup recipe for Day 4


  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1 cup sliced celery
  • 1 onion, minced
  • 2 sliced green peppers


Boil onion, peppers, cabbage and celery in water together with salt, pepper and herbs for flavoring. Any flavoring may be used as long as there is no fat included. Extra vegetables may be added except for beans as they add extra calories. Serve hot.

Banana Shake Recipe for Day 4


  • 2 bananas, sliced (4 large bananas total for the day)
  • 2 glasses skim milk (almond milk or a very lite coconut milk will be fine as well)
  • 2 glasses crushed ice


In a blender, mix all ingredients until a creamy, frothy shake is formed. No sugar is required as the flavor is already naturally sweet. Serves 2.


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