GM Diet

What is GM Diet

GM diet is a weight loss management plan developed by the General Motors Corporation to help keep their employees stay in shape. This diet system involves the consumption of specific foods per day, in contrast to weekly schedules like that of Atkins and South Beach diets. What started as an in-house program for individuals within the General Motors Corporation today has become a worldwide phenomenon. The GM diet plan has grown to be a popular diet plan over time has caught on and today has become very popular with people looking for a diet plan that works.

The GM diet and it’s unique diet plan help your to reduce close to 10-17 lbs in 7 days. Reducing weight is the primary goal, additionally with reduced weight comes the added benefit of feeling good, looking good all translating to a great experience. Not only does it improve the mental state and attitude of the person following the diet course, it also help you to cleanse and detoxify your body. Infact quite a few people follow the diet once every 6 months to cleanse and detoxify primarily rather that weight loss.

Does the GM Diet Work?

While it has been a very popular diet plan over the years, there are still some questions about the effectiveness of the GM diet. According to recent studies, this diet plan is indeed effective in reducing excess pounds at a fast rate. While normal weight loss strategies induce at the most of 1 pound per week lost, the GM diet can help get rid of up to 10 lbs each week by simply following its food intake regimen.

At the same time however, this diet plan may prove to be overwhelming to first time users, as it involves radical change of diet intake that consists mainly of raw fruits and vegetables and reduced meat servings.

The effectiveness of the GM diet should also be supplemented by a regular exercise routine, as according to nutrition experts, the diet alone would leave the individual tired and weak. Through routine exercise of up to 10 minutes each day, the body’s metabolism would be sped up and be able to keep up with the diet requirements. Followers of this diet plan would also benefit from regular exercise as they get to enjoy normal energy levels and use the pounds they shed in more productive activities.

How to Prepare for the GM Diet

To those who are planning to follow the GM diet as their weight loss management regimen, they should be able to withstand excess sweating, occasional feeling of hunger, and momentary weakness, as these are among the common side effects during the first days of the diet routine.

One way to prepare for the GM diet is by staying hydrated. That is, regular water intake should be observed, at 8-10 glasses each day. This is because once the body welcomes the effects of GM diet it would require extra water for energy and metabolism. Those who instantly follow the diet system may suffer from incessant muscle pain and weakness, increased body heat, and malaise, and all of these could only be regulated by adequate amounts of water in the body.

Avoiding alcohol intake should also be observed when preparing for the GM diet. This is because alcohol prevents the effects of the diet from taking place, and followers would only end up stumped with their current weight even after a week of weight loss management. Alcohol also triggers water retention, which prevents individuals from getting rid of the excess fluids from their systems.

Weight Loss Objectives and Goals

The primary reason for the development of GM diet is to help middle-aged employees of the General Motors Corporation to slim down and enjoy better health as they are only a few years to retirement. Through this diet plan followers were expected to get rid of the unnecessary pounds they possess, as this triggers various health risks that may interfere with their work at the company and at the same time prevent them from enjoying retirement.

Those however, who are planning to follow the GM diet plan should have the following objectives in mind:

  • Shed off the extra pounds in order to achieve a proportional weight-height body mass.
  • Experience a cleaner body system through routine detoxifying effects.
  • Enjoy a better toned muscle through supplemental exercise.
  • Prevent the onset of obesity related conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

Followers of the GM diet should also observe strict yet at the same time manageable weight loss goals in order not to experience the diet plan’s side effects. These include:

Following the diet plan in daily schedules until desired weight is attained.
Using the diet plan in weekly intervals to maintain the achieved weight combined with proper exercise to avoid bouts of fatigue and other related health risks.

Side Effects of GM Diet

Being a fast-paced diet plan, the GM diet has also become known for its side effects. Like many other quick weight-loss regimens, followers of the GM diet may experience conditions such as:

Sudden muscle weakness. This is because the muscle tissues are deprived of adequate amounts of protein during the first few days of the diet plan. This condition can be regulated once the system gets used to the nutrients provided by the regimen.
Incessant thirst and dehydration. Persons following the GM diet also feel incessantly thirsty and even suffer from dehydration as their fluids are used by the body to foster metabolic processes. Followers are therefore advised to take more water to prevent the onset of dehydration and experience a more rejuvenated feeling.
Headaches and malaise. Persons who are in their first days of the GM diet may experience headaches and malaise, as they are still on the process of getting used to the diet effects. These tend to be psychosomatic, as followers are subject to cravings which have to withstand in order to achieve their diet goals.

The side effects of GM diet are likewise similar to those of other diet fads, but these can be effectively managed by

  • Following the regimen in a sequential and chronological manner. Skipping days and cheating on the food intake may result not only to the ineffectiveness of the diet, but as well as getting extra, unwanted pounds.
  • Supplementing the diet with proper exercise, rest and water intake. By supporting the body system with regular exercise, water intake and rest, the body would be able to adjust to the diet settings at a faster manner and avoid routine side effects. It would also lead to better effects and easier maintenance procedures.
weighs to lose weight

At we have seen and heard it all when it comes to dieting. Dieting is not easy. Here is a list of 12 things that can make weight loss difficult.

  1. Zero support: It’s not easy when you have nobody supporting you. If you have no support, try to find a diet buddy or someone to share in your journey.
  2. Underlying Health Issues: Thyroid problems, high cortisol and hormone imbalances can make it more difficult to lose weight. Find a great functional medicine doctor and get checked out if you seem to have unexplained weight gain or have trouble losing weight.
  3. Wheat/Gluten/Sugar: I know, most folks don’t want to hear this, however try going gluten and sugar free for at least 30 days and see how you do.
  4. Poor Sleep Habits: If you are not in bed by 10:30pm, this can seriously affect your chances to lose weight by throwing off circadian rhythms.
  5. Eating Right before Bed: If you want a great way to gain weight, eat before going to bed. If you want to lose weight, eat at least 2.5 hours before bed time.
  6. Too Many Snacks: If you are over weight, then you are metabolically broken. So limit snacks, it can cause weight again. 3 balanced healthy meals a day should be enough.
  7. Estrogen in Fat: When you begin to lose weight you also release the extra estrogen stored in fat cells but extra estrogen can cause weight gain, thus a vicious cycle!
  8. Lack of Lifestyle Change: Diet cannot do the entire job, after a diet you must make a lifestyle change and change your eating habits. Without it you will not succeed long term.
  9. Processed Foods: Let’s face it, they’re garbage. Bad oils, preservatives, chemicals and additives are all ways to ruin your health can cause weight issues.
  10. Carbs, Carbs, Carbs: Stop over doing carbs!!!! People tend to count calories yet overdo the carbs. Meals should have balance – good fats, protein, some unprocessed, good carbs and lots of healthy veg!
  11. Not Enough Fat: People fear fat! While you should avoid bad fats, including all vegetable oils, you need healthy fat. Good fats are animal fats from pastured animals, coconut oil, palm oil, avocado, olive oil, MCT oil, ghee, grass fed butter, etc.
  12. Wrong Fats: Stop choosing bad fats such as canola oil, vegetable oils, peanut oils, hydrogenated oils, etc. They are very pro inflammatory, high in Omega 6’s and have zero health benefits.